Lucerne Festival Forward, 16/11/2023
There are three rules to this vocal sculpture:
1. Everything that happens during a vocal sculpture is supposed to happen. There are no mistakes. If a performer gifts the vocal sculpture with a musical surprise, we welcome it joyfully and create room for it by continuing to sing while exploring this new vocal material with curiosity. We are skilled improvisers that are constantly finding new vocal sounds, creating new melodies and sculpting soundscapes in all our togetherness.
2. The people who are included in this vocal sculpture are exactly the people who are needed for this performance. We are eight as one. We are a community of voices who support each other. Every voice is important and necessary for the outcome of precisely this vocal sculpture. If one voice would be taken out, the results would be different.
3. We are magnets to each other. This vocal sculpture moves and exists as one being. We are constantly listening to each other. We all have important roles and we are always aware of who is leading at each moment of the vocal sculpture. We are awake and strong in our leadership. We have complete trust in ourselves and others when completing a task.
Together, our voices and presence form a vocal sculpture. We are wind, we are ocean. We are masters of uncountable languages. We are creative, beautiful and wonderfully weird. We are here – exactly where we are supposed to be. We enter the room with our voices; strong, soft, loud and clear.
Now, you must listen closely – because we are the young voices of Lucerne.

About the Project
Young Voices of Lucerne was a co-creative composition project at Lucerne Festival Forward 2023. Nine local young adults, a composer, a dramaturge and a clarinettist together constructed a vocal sculpture using experimental vocal techniques, deconstructed text and movement. The co-creative process happened during a four-day workshop that resulted in four performances during the music festival. Each participant brought their unique voice and ideas to shape the outcome of the vocal sculpture 'kyrr'.

The Score
”Our daughter participated in the vocal sculpture. I’ve rarely seen her so happy and fulfilled as in this project. It was wonderful to see.” 0:50
Photos credit: Jeannette Haefeli, Andreas Becker